Smart One Global Personal data processing and protection policy

This Personal data processing and protection policy (hereinafter referred to as"Policy") regulates the procedure of processing and protection ofpersonal data related to individuals, including sole proprietors (hereinafterreferred to as "personal data subjects") and acquired as a result oftheir using (visiting) of the website as well as of otherinteractions with "SMART ONE GLOBAL.”  

1. Definitions

Personal data means information or any piece of information aboutan individual that is identified or may be specifically identified by means ofsuch information. For the purposes of this Policy, Personal data includes:name, surname, patronymic, phone number, e-mail address, IP address, personalidentification code (number), including social security or health insurancenumber, personal bank account and/or bank card details, personal account nameand account holder(s) name(s), name of employee and current position, fingerprint data, and otherdata considered personal in accordance with the legislation of the countrywhere the sale of product or other interaction with the Seller occurs (hereinafterreferred to as "Legislation").

Personal data processing
means any action or set of activities, includingcollection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification,recovery, use and dissemination, depersonalization, and destruction of personaldata, whether with or without the use of automated information systems.

Seller means "SMART ONE GLOBAL,” to which the right to receive andprocess the relevant personal data is granted, either by the personal datasubject or by virtue of law and who is the owner (data controller) of such personal data.

Consent of the personal data subject means freelygiven consent of the individual to the processing and storage of their personaldata for the purpose for which data is being collected.

Application form means an electronic registration fillabledocument placed on the Website and available to the personal data subjecteither for the purpose of purchasing products from the Seller, or for that ofreviewing the products by Seller´s potential partners, or for that of any otherinteraction with the Seller; by filling out this form, the personal datasubject gives its consent for processing (collection, registration,accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, recovery, utilization,dissemination, depersonalization, destruction) of its Personal Data by theSeller, under the conditions of this Policy and the Legislation.

Cookie means a small text file savedto the personal data subject's device that contains information about itsbrowser and online activity. Website means the website, including all itssubdomains and other sites under the organizational control of the Seller.

2. Subject of regulation

2.1. This Policy regulates the processing(collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification,recovery, utilization, dissemination, depersonalization, destruction) ofpersonal data received by the Seller in the process of utilization (visiting)of the Website by the personal data subject, whether for purchasing of Seller´sproducts, or for that of reviewing of the products by Seller´s potentialpartners, or in the process of utilization (visiting) of Seller´s mobileapplications, Seller´s social media pages where this Provision is cited, or asa result of the interaction between the personal data subject and the Seller,or in the process of any other activity, including advertising and marketing.

2.2. The consent of thepersonal data subject to the processing of personal data is given foridentification of the personal data subject visiting or utilizing the Websiteas well as for the completion of order(s) for Seller´s products placed by thepersonal data subject, or for the performance of other actions, including reviewing of the products by Seller´s potential partners, signing andexecution of contracts between the personal data subject and the Seller,customer support, provision of information that may interest the personal datasubject, running of surveys and market studies, managing and servicing ofaccounts owned by the personal data subject, and for other legal purposes.

2.3. The Seller´s business doesnot target children under the age of 16, and the Seller shall not request orcollect personal data related to such individuals. The seller shall not acceptconsent to the processing of personal data given by parents or carers.

2.4. To exercise its rights,the personal data subject may appoint a person (agent) and authorize it to acton its behalf through a power of attorney.

3. Reception, processing, and utilization of personal data

3.1. The Seller shall onlyutilize the personal data collected through the Website or provided by thepersonal data subject by any other means provided by this Policy.

3.2. To use the Website or tootherwise interact with the Seller, the personal data subject shall express itsagreement with the provisions of this Policy by marking the relevant clause onthe website where this Policy is posted.

3.3. By filling in theapplication form and sending the information therein, the personal data subjectwillingly provides its data to the Seller and gives consent to its processing underthe conditions of this Policy and the current legislation.

3.4. To fulfill the purposesspecified in Clause 2.2 therein, the Seller has a right to perform thefollowing actions in relation to the personal data: collection, recording,classification, accumulation, storage, clarification (modification, change).utilization, depersonalization, blocking, deleting or destruction, transfer tothe third parties, whether upon the consent of the personal data subjector on other legal grounds if such actions are required by this Policy and donot violate any norms of the current legislation, provided all the measuresensuring the prevention of unauthorized use have been taken.

3.5. To ensure the execution ofthis Policy, the Seller also has a right to send letters, messages, andinformation materials to the e-mail of the personal data subject as well ascall the number specified in the Application form or send text messages to it or to registered messengers.

3.6. By consenting to theprocessing of personal data under this Policy, the personal data subjectthereby confirms that it has been informed of the personal data owner, thecomposition and content of the personal data collected, and the legal rights ofpersonal data subjects. By calling the Seller, the personal data subjectconsents to the possible recording of the conversation with the personal datasubject by the Seller.

3.7. The personal data subjectmay withdraw its consent to the personal data processing at any moment withoutaffecting the legal right to process the data exercised prior to the revocationof the consent. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the effectivenessof any personal data processing performed on other legal grounds.

3.8. Except for consent forprocessing, legal grounds for the processing of personal data by the Sellerinclude: execution of contracts signed with the personal data subject,communication with the personal data subject and responses to its requests, managementof the Website, market promotion of Seller´s products, marketing researches anddevelopment of other products, business protection, and security systemmanagement on the part of the Seller, including error identification andcorrection, legislation and court decision enforcement, or execution ofinternal procedures such as auditing, cataloguization, and data analysis, orother grounds permitted by law.

3.9. The Seller has a right toupload Cookies to a computer or other electronic device used by the subject ofpersonal data to access the Website (provided that there are no limitations tosuch uploading set by the personal data subject in its browser) as well as toreceive, save, process, and use the information contained in the Cookies.

3.10. The Website may also usetracking technologies functionally similar to Cookies. In this Policy, themeaning of the term "Cookies" includes such tracking technologies.

3.11. To the extent theinformation collected with the use of Cookie files comprises personal data(whether on its own or combined with other information), this Policy applies tothe processing of such personal data.

3.12. The personal data subjectmay disable any non-essential Cookies by pressing the "Cookiessettings" button, reconfigure the browser settings to reject certainCookies, or switch on the do-not-track (DNT) feature of the browser. This willdisable certain parts of the Website. For more details, please go to and

3.13. Essential Cookies arerequired for the regular operation of the Website and cannot be disabled. Theyare installed in response to specific actions of the personal data subject,such as requests for privacy settings, loggings or Application form fillings.The personal data subject may set its browser to block such Cookies or installthem only upon notification, but this will disable certain parts of theWebsite. Suck Cookies do not store any personal data.

3.14. Along with essentialCookies, the Seller also uses third-party Cookies for advertisement ormarketing purposes, to enhance the functionalities of theWebsite, and to monitor the Website traffic level and sources.

3.15. List of Cookies used bythe Seller
Cookie vendor
Name of Cookie
Retention period
3.16. When the personal datasubject uses the Website,the appliance where the Website is hosted automatically saves, processes,and utilizes the non-personal data of the personal data subject, such asstatistical data on its activity, unless required otherwise by the current legislation.

3.17. The Seller has a right toprocess the personal data as long as required to successfully fulfill thepurposes set out in Clause 2.2 therein unless required otherwise by the currentlegislation.

4. Right of Access

4.1. The Seller undertakes toensure the protection of the personal data from any unauthorized access by thirdparties and not to disseminate personal data or transfer it to any thirdperson, except for cases provided for in this Policy or the legislation.

4.2. The Personal data subjectmay demand the Seller to modify or delete its data by sending a request to theSeller´s e-mail address listed on the Website. If the Personal data subjectneeds to use the Website again in the future, it shall provide the necessarypersonal data to the Seller again.

4.3. By transferring any third-partiespersonal data to the Seller, the personal data subject thereby declares that itis authorized to do so and, if required, that it has been given the necessaryconsent to such transfer and confirms that such personal data may be used underthe conditions of this Policy.

4.4. The Seller may disclosepersonal data to third-party service providers that process information onbehalf of the Seller, act as professional advisers, or take part in corporatedeals. The Seller may also transfer personal data to law enforcement, othergovernment agencies, or private individuals if required by the current legislation,necessary to execute a contract, defend the Seller´s rightful interest, or abideby the current legislation.

4.5. If the Seller´s businessis wholly or partially acquired, sold, or otherwise transferred or beingprepared for transfer, any personal data previously provided to the Seller foruse may be subject to assessment and included in the assets to be transferredby the Seller.

4.6. For any other receivercategories or cases not mentioned in Clauses 4.4. and 4.5. therein, the Sellermay transfer personal data upon consent from the Personal data subject.

4.7. The Seller cannot be heldliable for dissemination of personal data or other damages caused by negligenceon the part of the personal data subject in relation to personal data securityor protection.

5 Rights of Personal data subjects

5.1. Personal data subject isentitled to:

1) know the location ofpersonal data, its purpose, and name, and location of the owner of personaldata, and instruct authorized agents to collect this information unlessotherwise provided by law;
2) receive information on theconditions of access to personal data, including the information of any thirdparty to whom its personal data is being transferred;
3) have access to its personaldata, receive copies of it, modify and expand it;
4) unless otherwise provided bylaw, receive within 30 calendar days from the moment of request thereof theinformation on whether its data is stored by the owner of personal data andalso the content of its personal data kept by the owner of personal data;
5) submit a reasoned request tothe personal data owner objecting to the processing of its personal data orrestricting its processing to specific purposes;
6) have its personal dataprotected from illegal processing or accidental loss;
7) resort to legal remedies incases of breach of personal data protection laws including through claims submittedto competent authorities;
8) demand to delete itspersonal data at any moment unless otherwise provided by law;
9) exercise other legal rights.

6. Upon any modification tothis Policy, the new version of the Policy is posted on the Website, and theeffective date given above is updated accordingly. Personal data subject should check the Website periodically to review any changes.

7. Personal data subject herebyconfirms that it has read this Policy and consents freely, willingly, andacting in its own interests to the processing of its personal data provided tothe Seller by the Seller.